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Thursday 5 January 2012

Travelling With Mo'

‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’  #21       “ …Travelling with Mo’ ”

And so…….

One  thing I  DO remember from my school years, is NEVER !  to begin a sentence with  ” And ”……
And!  Do you know ?  - I LOVE TO DO SO! – over-and-over-AND- OVER- AGAIN !

…And grammar?...what the hell  is grammar?...creative writing should be creative!..a comma here…a semi-colon exclamation-or-three too, and as for spelling…nonsense!...I’ll create expressive spellings too!

And so!...I don’t too often reminisce – but today I was sorting through the myriads of pics on my camera…my once quite costly Canon camera!...and many pics to save onto my laptop..and thence to delete on Canon: row-by-row-by-row.

Of course, I came across sohhhh many pics of BestFriendMo’ -and-Me, and it brought back glorious instances we’ve shared…the ‘foremost brainward  ‘  that comes to mind, is when she and I traversed the Italian autostrade, south from Roma, diretione Amalfi Coast, heading for our pre-booked reservation in a very-well-situated pensione in Positano

BestFriendMo’   played navigator..I suppose that’s why we missed our turn-off…and overshot our destination by an hour-and-a-half ? –and I had done our trip’s homework for 6 months prior to travel..I’d found this sweet pensione, built into the hard rock cliff at the top of Positano …and it had just 1 en-suite room…and that was OURS  for a few nights!
A perfectly situated base while we were to explore the surrounding towns of the Amalfi Coast!

September’s heat was bearable…but we’d decided that I just couldn’t survive another night without the 5 Euro /per night aircon….
That night BestFriendMo’   froze her ears off… ”chilled to the bloody bone ”, she said.
So upon her directions, we rearranged our room…our extremely high-ceilinged room with sea views, and private balcony, bare, tiled floors of the local majolica Amalfi-style designs on such floor.
Mo’  refused to have her metal, single cot bed directly under the aircon yet another night!..the very same aircon that was installed about 4 whole metres high, out of reach (well that was because we the traveller, needed to hire the 5 Euro/per night aircon remote!).

Changing of the beds….

And so began our maneuver….Mo’  directing the whole exercise:

According to Mo’ , the only option was for Me to sleep directly under the 5 Euro /per night aircon..and in so doing, we’d just have to move the beds!……..

Up ” she says…I had to lift my metal cot bed up…over hers, while sliding hers under  mine -  she energetically grabbing the other end of it…us lifting it high in the air, above her metal cot bed…up-and-over-and CRASH!!!

Mo’  lost her grip and there we were…one bed ¾ way,  over the other, the sound of metal bed-onto-(very resilient)bare floor tiles -  shaking the whole darn building…
Reverberating through the whole pensione…( I giggle right now,  so many years after-the-fact,  while telling you this! )

No tiles broken…no bones cracked…we finally achieved her goal…but on second thoughts I said: why couldn’t we just swap the very light foam mattresses and skimpy sheets,  onto opposite beds? - huh?  ” …might have been simpler and easier!

Positano is most obviously a beach town..a beach resort….a main street wending its way serpentine-like, down the mountainside to the ocean…culminating in a narrow pedestrianised tourist trap, comprising cheek-by-jowl beachwear shops…and gift shops, and souvenir shops, selling inflatable beach toys - and ‘whatever’-shops….a minefield for tourist trade, before one is able to gain access to any path onto the beach.

Mindboggling, colourful shops, packed with tourists  - both local, and other…and there she was , a gorgeous young(ish) German woman, the longest legs soaring to the sky, beneath the shortest of shortest flared miniskirts and tightest ‘boobtube’ , having stopped the tourist crowds, while posing on a decorative, shop’s balcony.

" ...and there She was "

Ancient German Proud Boyfriend  (who appeared to be quite affluent), snapping snapshots of her (and us doing so too!),  while she -  well aware of all the public attention , was posing, and POSING, AND! OHMYGOD!... “Look Mo’ ! …  “ is she a bloody male?!
…welllll….whatever !

 …The hips were narrowly non-existent, jaw too square, and those hands!    Enormous…but, I-I think that the dragqueen  pose, was the dead give-away! We both thought she was GEORGEOUS !

Positano and the beach

I’ll surprise ' You-my-reader ‘ ,  from time-to-time , without  a mention of food in my blog…that’s the fun of logging on to …
Entry onto the beach at Positano

 *****Ahhhhhhhhh! Don’t miss next week’s recipe   – it’s the next best thing to Sicilian sundried tomatoes ! ………

A typical view of Positano

Majolica - the ceramics of the region

Along the coast past Positano



  1. Hi Mavis, Love reading your blog. Can't stop laughing at the traffic report blunders. Besides "XXXXX"station's weather and traffic report, all the other Cape radiostation broadcasters sound as if they can see how quickly they can present their reports, making them virtually inaudible!!
    A cousin on holiday from Jhb told me
    that he heard a local news bulletin in which the broadcaster spoke about a psychotherapist as psycho-the-rapist. Classic!!
    Going to make some schmaltz later today. Loved the pics of Positano AND canola fields. Look forward to the next Cooking-with-Mavis. Tammy

  2. text much easier to read thanks Mavis!!!

  3. Mavis, I just read the travels with Mo' - I too had a HUGE laugh, I relived the whole thing again thanks friend , Mo' XX
