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Thursday 14 June 2012

The Five Rand Store ....and an Orange Chiffon

 ‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’ #44     ‘The Five Rand Store…and some Orange Chiffon’  




The  “RAND” is our currency in South Africa .  
So?, you ask - What can one buy for R1.00?     Welllll, right now, even a basic sandwich loaf of white bread is priced between  R9.99  to  R14.99…store-dependant of course !
One cup of filter coffee at your favourite coffee shop today will set you back  R15.00-or-more…not to mention the hUGE cost of a ‘Café Latte’ or cappuccino! getting back to my first question:
I suppose  R1.00  might buy you an eanzy- weenzy- half-a-sip ’  of a nice hot coffee !

So can you just * iMagine* ? ^!  what  R 5.00   could buy!!!

Some of you might have guessed through my writings, that We  are fortunate enough to escape sometimes for a long weekend away, to Bredasdorp ,  a country town just 2 hours from Cape Town (see my blog #10  “Crisp Cream Cheese”)….and one of the MAIN attractions for me in Bredasdorp ,  is to raid The FIVE RAND STORE…. It’s situated in the heart of back-and-beyond ’ ….in the nether parts of Bredasdorp’s  central business district.

Those 2 hours away from home, transport us to another world, where food is our urgent pre-requisite that rears its head, as if we haven’t seen a morsel of food for days… yet, we’d just stopped midway for coffee and cake incase we’d starve on our 2-hour journey.

Friend Lee and I  tremble with antisssi-p-p-pation. upon arriving at our destination…
Immediately, as we unpack our homely comfort foods onto that country-kitchen table, so we begin to eat…unless the * uRGe*!*   to explore The FIVE RAND STORE is stonger! 

The Orange Chiffon is unpacked first …and NO!   I  don’t mean a glamorous ballgown,  but rather a MOST  delicious, feather-light‘ 0  “retro style” cake –
This Orange Chiffon being Friend Lee’s  favourite,  ‘My M’s  favourite   …My  favourite feather-light cake!

Eventually, when self-restraint resists no more,  and our willpower to shop takes the better of us, we somehow ‘find’ ourselves ‘purely by chance’  in the very immediate vicinity of The FIVE RAND STORE.

With our eyes, we strip every aisle, colourful and mindboggling, those pricelessly rich, no-need, hellishly cheap items of whim, until suddenly a familiar hand shoots  forward at the same time as mine, to choose the very same items that caught the eye of another of our triumvirate!

Solar-powered plastic
 ‘dancing’ flower 
Finally ‘My M’  drags us out of there – our arms laden with nothing that we really need, but definitely do ‘have-to-have’….solar-powered plastic ‘dancing’ daisies,  an inflatable red rubber dog….gaudy plastic tablecloths for  ‘Mavis’s”  photo shoots, and too much more…and nothing that costs R5.00-or-less !



 And so to recipes….

 "Orange Chiffon"
We all have our favourites…


Chiffon cakes are truly “Retro”, as are chiffon cake pans!
You might not want to specially buy a chiffon pan,  so I shall give you a number of easy options to bake this…as the original cake, or as CUPCAKES too.



1 cup flour
½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup castor sugar
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ cup vegetable oil
3 egg yolks
4 egg whites
¼ teaspoon Cream of Tartar
¼ cup PLUS 2 Tablespoons orange juice (about juice of 1 large orange)
2 teaspoon finely grated orange rind


1) Into a largish bowl, sift the dry ingredients (except the Cream of Tartar)
2) Make a well in the centre, add oil, unbeaten egg yolks, orange juice and orange rind.
3) Mix well, until smooth batter (you can do this by hand or with a beater)
4) In a separate clean dry bowl (preferably either glass or metal) whisk the egg whites with the Cream of Tartar till very stiff.
5) With a LARGE metal spoon, gently fold the batter, a generous spoonful at a time, INTO the stiff beaten egg whites, until you have added all the batter (about 5 additions till all batter is added ).
6) Gently pour this mixture, over the back of that large spoon, into the UNGREASED chiffon baking tin.
7) Bake in the ungreased chiffon tin at 165*C for 45 minutes.
8) Carefully remove from oven and take care while inverting the whole chiffon baking tin immediately…

9) Important note:
- Some chiffon tins correctly HAVE  that central funnel the same height as the legs…while other chiffon tins have that funnel a bit shorter…
The perfect old and well-used chiffon cake tin
A modern chiffon cake tin -incorrect shorter funnel
 - the funnel needs to be in line with the end of the tripod feet

- For the shorter funnel, if so, when you remove the cake from the oven, and immediately invert it, it is important to rest the funnel (middle of your baking pan) on a flat-bottomed small dish/ramekin,  so that it remains pressed against the base of that inverted chiffon baking tin.

Inverting the cake tin -
it stands on the 3 feet PLUS the tip of the funnel
When inverting, IF  your funnel is too short,
balance chiffon tin on a flat-bottom small ramekin or similar

10) Leave cake pan inverted for cake to cool completely – at least 1 hour
11) It is now ready to turn right-side-up, and to prepare for removing from the baking tin:
- With a long flat spatula/ knife, gently slide this around the edge between cake and tin, as well as the middle of the cake edge and the funnel.
- Holding the funnel, lift the cake (still on the base ) out of the tin.
- Using that long thin spatula or knife, slide this under the cake to loosen it from the base, in a clockwise motion.
- Remove the cake completely from the base of the chiffon tin.

Choice of Frosting:

Orange butter frosting.
1)    3 tablespoons butter at room temperature
1½ cups sifted icing sugar
2)     2 tablespoons orange juice
3)    2 teaspoon finely grated orange rind
4)    1 tablespoon sourcream , or creamcheese optional

Method :

Beat all ingredients well, and spread on the top of the cake.
Decorate with some scattered grated rind.

Option #2:
For a lesser ‘sweet tooth’, just sift some icing sugar(icing snow) over the top and serve.


Use a large muffin pan -  makes about 18 cupcakes:
Line each with a paper cup.
Spoon batter 2/3 full.
Bake at 180* for 20 minutes

For my Small CUPCAKES:
Makes about 24 cupcakes:
I used a normal size cupcake pan,
lined with same paper cups,
and baked at 180*C for 15 minutes.



So as usual - ‘til next week,



  1. Hi M, My most favourite Post.......I LOVE orange chiffon cake.......and this one looks utterly divine!!...thanks

  2. Yay, love this cake! Thanx for sharing.

  3. Now THAT'S a wonderful a WONDERFUL recipe!..YOU SHOULD All try it!. enjoy! CWM
