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Thursday 31 May 2012

The Countess' Soup and Some Travelling Chickens....

‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’ #42           The Countess’ Soup”   – a rich, velvety Roasted Chicken and Molasses, ginger  and…soup.

Awoken in a haze, by the determined ringtone of my mobile  phone , it jumping up-and-down in vibrating-mode on the table, whilst I gathered my
 f luey  self  together to answer it, and to sound quite nonchalantly sprightly and fine….
But   ‘ The Countess Der Ehrenwerte Gräfin ’ knew  better ! 

Being mother-of-four  active kids, and well-trained in medically maintaining 6 dogs, and a menagerie of unexpected pets, from ‘ Goodness~Knows~Whats ’,  to  her   “Travelling Chickens”…well egg-laying hens to be precise.   Hens that OWN !  their own  ~Designer~  airfreight travelling boxes……..hens that have regular weekend vacations…. hens that travel every weekend from The City to her  farm!    

Yes, ‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’   just couldn’t   fool   ‘ The Countess ’  !   
Obviously ‘Mavis’s   chicken soup was NOT  succeeding in washing away those flu gremlins, and her chicken soup  -  so I was told, would-do-the-trick ”.

The only snag was that ‘ The Countess'  ’  chicken soup was a l-e-n-g-t-h-y process…a 3-day procedure, culminating in the most amazing, gloriously, dark and velvety,  aromatic and flavourful very MORE-ish elixir… but could I  persuade my flu to wait around till that elixir was ready?

Ratt-a-tatt-tatt!!!, is that the doorbell……is someone at My  door?

Oh hell, just see what I  LOOK LIKE!  ….

I  answer to  ‘ The Countess ’  standing on the threshold, My f lu still clinging to me like a chimp to it’s mother, and there it was !
‘The Countess ’ proffers in my direction , a thermos flask of Specially-Made-For-‘Mavis CHICKEN SOUP !  …prêt-à-mange! 

But NOT just ANY  chicken soup…this is a Family heirloom , of generations back, a labourious  labour-of-love.    A heavenly rich, syrupy thick treacle-coloured ,  twice-cooked,  ROASTCHICKEN soup ……. flavoured with fresh ginger & a chilli & lemon rind & molasses  too...

It’s been a year since ‘ The Countess Der Ehrenwerte Gräfin's  ’ soup tantalized My tastebuds, and I have been yearning for a huge potful, of my very, very own.  Finally, I made up my mind, a 3-day process it be!      I  HAD TO  make ‘ The Countess’  ’ roast chicken soup! 
My recipe is similar, as I DARE  NOT  divulge her family heirloom….

And so to recipes…..

      The Countess’ Roast                 Chicken Soup…

The Basics:

-You make a simple chicken stock (see My  blog #4 -  “Jewish Chicken Soup”  for the recipe) ….or you can use a good readymade stock.
-You roast a chicken, with a nice sweetish B-B-Q basting sauce,(not a smoky one!),  together with sliced onions , carrots, sweetpotatoes and celery stalk too. The skin of the roasted chicken must be a nice dark golden colour.
-You use all those things plus ALL the pan juices, together with a whole lot of fresh ginger, a fresh chili-or-two, grated lemon rind , a bayleaf, molasses  - oh well, I’ll give you my recipe and the instructions now…just here, below this!....

3 litres good chicken stock   – set aside to use later.

Then to roast:
1 whole roasting chicken
B-b-q basting sauce to marinate the chicken - ***(see my recipe below)
500g pack of chicken necks
2 to 3 large onions thickly sliced in rounds
3 large carrots sliced
I used 1 large whole sweet potato (unpeeled and not cut)
(or you can use ½ a butternut squash cut into pieces )
5 large cloves of garlic   - unpeeled
A drizzle of olive oil over the veggies

1) Lightly oil a large oven pan, and place the basted chicken onto a few sliced onions so it won’t stick to the pan.
2) Spread the assortment of cut veggies around the chicken, and drizzle with olive oil.
3) Roast, uncovered, at 180*C for 90 minutes.
4) Remove from oven .
5) When cool, remove most of the meat off the carcass, and set that aside  - reserving the carcass, all the skin and the crisp wings for the soup.

To make the soup:
1)  Into a large pot, put ALL the roasted veggies, the roasted necks, the roast chicken carcass, plus all the chicken skin, and all the juices from the pan. Then deglaze the pan with 2 cups boiling water, and add this to the soup pot.
Add :
2 bay leaves
A good 3 cm knob of fresh ginger sliced
2 to 3 fresh small red chilies
5 large whole cloves of fresh garlic cut in halves
4 tablespoons molasses (can substitute Treacle)
Finely grated rind of ½ a lemon
And the 3 litres of ordinary chicken stock (that you set aside earlier)

2) Let this simmer slowly with the lid on, on a low heat for at least 2½  hours.
3) Strain and let cool.
4) When completely cool put into the fridge overnight.
This soup when chilled should become almost jelly-like in consistancy, with a thin layer of oil…this is absorbed into the soup when heating it.
5) If you prefer, you can remove the fat when chilled.
Heat gently, as you don’t want the soup to boil away and evaporate!
*  Small portions are adequate, as this is very rich .

***My Basting sauce  to roast the chicken:

4 tablespoons ketchup
4 tablespoons chutney (can substitute apricot jam)
4 tablespoons soft brown sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground paprika
2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger (or ½ teaspoon ground ginger)
½ teaspoon chopped garlic

Mix all ingredients together, then coat the chicken and leave covered for at least ½ hour  –(or leave overnight in the fridge) before roasting. Be sure to coat the chicken with any spare sauce before roasting.

(Bonus info : this sauce is super too, to marinade steaks or ribs as well.)

Ohhhh...It's a dogs life!

THE  Gräfin's  DOGS

So as usual - ‘til next week,

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