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Thursday 9 February 2012

'Mavis's Trousseau........and a self-saucing warm gooey chocolate pudding

‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’ #26    …‘Mavis’s Trousseau and the DEADLIEST DECADENT  of self-saucing chocolate puddings!

    …’Mavis’s Trousseau

‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’  was born from a series of articles I’d occasionally send to a select group of dear friends around the world –and locally too, voicing my opinion, or telling of travels , perhaps about an evening out, or other experiences…

One afternoon, “Computerpherous  Angie” (see blog #4 : “Jewish Chicken Soup”)- she standing in my office doorway…… and leaning against the doorframe,  arms folded in  assertive thought, and “…‘Angie” , so joyfully  adamant ! , drew me into the world of blogging

She, sQueezing  me  through that  little opening  -  that aperture between  email  and  blog  , till suddenly, thereShe”   was …. Yes! - ‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’    was launched! 

Verbally loud,  and pushing every endth of creative writing out of my fingertips,  to my laptop’s keyboard  -  like a runaway train, was ”…’MAVIS” !
But if that wasn’t enough, ”COOKINGWITHMAVIS”   needed to be visual , and thus needed a trousseau…a-an-and QUICK !   too!

A quandary…a terrible quandary!   …. Yes, I, the maker of “…’MAVIS”  ,  had a dilemma!

For future photographs, was I to only  use the vast variety of  variable-items-of-aesthetic-pleasure-and-practical-purpose - found in my home?
....or better still to embark on a * wonderful * shopping-spree *…. ?

QUOI  D'autre? …what else !
..... Why not have the best of both?

And so a  * shopping-spree *. was had!... that took me to  a*m*a*z*i*n*g*  stores,  and opened my  vision  to find items of pleasure and aesthetic value through ”…’MAVIS’s ”    eyes!

So, that’s how  ”…’MAVIS ”    got her trousseau !

And so for you....

        a  VALENTINE' S  TREAT   



And so to recipes…


 Clear your mind Dear Reader, of all other thoughts….


Imagine a spoonful of the darkest, richest, most moist, warm chocolate pudding  with GOOEY thick chocolate sauce oozing out…just tingling your tastebuds!  
Welllllllll ?.........THAT ’s  just what this is all about!


( it’s eggless!  ) –the pre-cursor of the ‘ Fashionable Fondant ’ !



1 cup cake flour
½ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons cocoa (40 g)
2 teaspoons baking powder
¾ cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla essence ( or seeds from I vanilla pod)
80g butter (about 3 tablespoons)
½ cup milk

¾ cup soft brown sugar
2 cups boiling water

  Prepare your  ‘mise en place’ :

I make sure first that my mise en place ( pronounced “ miz ɑ̃ plas ”    ) , is done!  - it’s a French phrase - literally means:  "putting in place" ….I suppose it’s the pre-preparation ’…

Think ahead, having everything at hand, ready to use  - bowls, utensils,  dishtowel to wipe your hands, all your ingredients laid out on the kitchen counter, in front of you…. correct quantities measured …baking dish already greased with butter… BEFORE  you start .



1st  - The mixture

Add The Sprinkles

Smooth The Sprinkles

Gently add the boiling water...

1) In a mixing bowl, sift dry ingredients with ½ the cocoa (3 tablespoon cocoa)

2) In a separate bowl, mix the remaining 3 tablespoons cocoa,  with  the soft brown sugar, and set it aside.

3) Gently melt the butter, in warm milk and vanilla (I do so in a Pyrex glass jug, in the microwave on a low heat for 1 minute ), and stir this well, into the flour-mixture, then  pour this batter into a deep oven-proof (buttered) glass baking dish (to accommodate at least volume of 8 cups)
- The batter should not be more than ¼ up the sides of the bowl.

4) Sprinkle the brown sugar/cocoa mixture over the batter.

5) Hold a large metal spoon above the mixture – back of the spoon facing upwards ,  gently pour the 2 cups of boiling water onto the back of the spoon, so as not to disturb the sprinkled mixture.

6) Bake at 180*C (350*F) for 40 - 45 minutes.

To test if ready, lightly touch the middle of the pudding, the centre should bounce back….in other words: be firm and not soft.
Serves   8 portions

***    To bake individual  portions...


In  small  ramekin  dishes :
- Be sure to have batter not more than ¼ up the height of the buttered ramekin.
- The boiling water should not be more than ½ way up.
* Bake in ramekins at 180*C … for  15 – 17 minutes

- I suggest you place the dishes on a baking tray – just in case the sauce spills over!

 To serve :
Serve warm, with a dollop of sourcream / crème fraiche / or mascarpone.

It’s so good, that you’ll sneak back into the kitchen after midnight,  to eat the leftovers, when no-one else is awake! – if there are leftovers!





‘till next time...


  1. I can't believe that mine is the first comment, dear Mavis! All you regular readers of Cooking with M must be either unimpressed or away from your computers/Blackberries for the weekend....perhaps in some idyllic spot in the Cederberg out of range!!? Otherwise I'm sure you would join me in saying thank you dear Mavis for the offer to be 'my' Valentine, the wonderful photographs and the delectable sounding recipe! You definitely had fun with this one Mave. You can't deny it!!

    1. Oh! Anonymous Sweetie, 'Mavis certainly CAN'T deny the fun in doing the Valentine's blog.....the assortment of eclectic pics took forever to perfect...wellll, assuming my readers agree that they are are perfectly 'maginatively Mavis! Thanks for your comment. CWM

  2. I am joining in, saying Thank you Mavis for the super Valentine idea, as usual your photos are fabulous. I shall make this and let you know how it goes....can't wait to try it.
    Keep up the good work we love you....
