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Thursday 3 November 2011

'Stewed Apples' -The Real Story...

‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’  # 12        ‘ Stewed Apples…’

                     Ten steps to Stewed apples…..

I get carried away ….when strolling amongst the ‘fruit and veggie’ aisle of any food store.
I just cant help myself!  We’re a family of two, yet I buy enough supplies for a minyan!

                Granny Smith apples:

Sometimes I can’t resist Fruit-and-Veg City‘s specials:….probably 2x, sometimes even 3x the ‘Special’ 1½ kilo bags of Granny Smith apples, for a ridiculously reasonable price.  I buy them, knowing that it’s ALWAYS nice to have stewed apples available in the fridge.   Nice for breakfast (eaten before the homemade muesli or ‘mieliemeel’ porridge  -  which I make for  Domestic Dotty - and -Me ).  Or even super at supper, for dessert with warm vanilla custard!

(Oh!……do you know how to remember the correct number of “s” s in “dessert” ?  ….. easy-as-pie :-  two “s” s  -  as you always want two helpings! )

Mmmmmmm………and stewed apples, hidden amongst apricot-jammed cubes of buttered bread, in my bread-and-butter pudding, is too, a treat!
.....and, about Domestic Dotty ? …....wellllll?…there’s another story sometime too!

Those special-priced Grannies  will sometimes laze in the overflowing kitchen fruit bowl a day-or-three, while I contemplate the odious task of peeling them.
Eventually, as I’m about to rush out to an appointment; absolutely pressed for time; under tremendous pressure, I find the time, knowing it HAS TO BE   just then!  – for me to tackle those shiny green babes !

And so the “prep” begins…
Obviously  at first , inside my head…

I think each step of ‘prep’ through thoroughly, as not to waste time…     
I visualize my “pre-”actions, as not to make repetitive unnecessary movements between arm and cupboard, drawers and countertop, chopping board and garbage bin, probably while I’m already multi-tasking in this    slick kitchen-designed-for-easy-action-cooking….
(Don’t   ever  contract that Miss ‘CALMER  PUTGUTTER’   of “ Louch Of Design”   to re-design Your  kitchen! ) …….. Mmmmmmm – now THAT’S  another story!...............

And so to recipes…..


Into gear ! -  the brain is whizzing…..
1)  Take a particular-sized, quality stainless-steel pot out the drawer and place it onto specific-size electric plate…DONE! (electric plate smaller in diameter than the pot, as not to waste electricity!)
2) Stylish, hard-bamboo chopping board in place.
3) Favourite large battered-and-bruised stainless-steel bowl ready too, at my side.
½-filled with water and a dash of lemon juice (to keep peeled apples from going brown).
4) Vegetable peeler (only my black rubber-handled one will do), and apple corer too, out the  drawer, ready for use.
5) 10-or-so shiny ’Grannies’ (size-dependant), make a decent potful.
6) The container of sweetener pills out the cupboard (only use the non-carcinogenic brand)…and plop 13x of them (well, that’s just an okay number I suppose?) into the pot, with 1 cup of water.
- And thus my mise en place (pronounced “ miz ɑ̃ plas “ ), is done!
- It’s a French phrase… literally means:  "putting in place" ….I suppose it’s the pre-preparation’ !
7) Like lightning, those babes first get cored, then peeled..and peeled in a specific routine too!    You HAVE to swirl that peeler around the top ..then around the bottom, in a circular motion (if this were a carrot, you could call it ‘topping and tailing’ it!)..this makes the process of peeling so much easier, as then you proceed to peel in an “up-an-down” motion: ‘parallel peeling’, making your way around the sides of each apple
Voila!  quick!  …no sweat!  
8) Into that battered-and-bruised stainless-steel bowl for a dash-of-lemon water bathe, then...easy to slice or cube , whatever at that moment takes my fancy.
9) And into the pot, with the 13x sweeteners and 1 cup of water, lid securely on,  to bring quickly to the boil, then simmer 10 minutes more (don’t lift the lid!), and then leave to continue cooking in own steam.

….I’m fortunate, that I can pre-program my hob to switch-off whenever, so  am able to leave the kitchen as soon as the simmering stage starts!
..the whole ‘prep’ process can be as quick as 15 really what’s the hassle? - none really…just my state-of-mind !

10)………And then of course, you might want to rather deviate; that is, do an Auntie Angela flavour”  …

Her  stewed apples ALWAYS  had cinnamon  and whole  cloves  and more water, added to the cooking process as well…..
 Now THAT’s  a whole different dimension of  tastebud sensation!


We’ll do a “ Granny Polly’s Blechkoechen”   soon,  too.   Mmmmm………………

                             A stainless-steel bowl...battered and bruised!

                                   ' Mise en place ' for stewed apples...

Cubed apples ready to stew...

                                           Stewed apples and custard...

                                   Stewed apples and custard...and more!

To view ‘COOKINGWITHMAVIS’s previous blogs, just scroll up to the top right, and click on any month to see….”Crisp Creamcheese”,  “ ‘Mavis’s Breasts”, “ To Eat an Artichoke”, “Jewish Chicken Soup”……“Preserved Goose” and more!

Join her blog, become a member ….she likes friends….or send her a mail…a favourite recipe too @



  1. Love the photos - makes we want to rush off and buy some "Granny Smith" and make my favorite Crostata! Lilia

  2. Dear Mavis
    …………. I can also stew apples – you should speak to my friend Mark ……..
    Love Lee 'L' Jhbg xxxxxx

  3. Love stewed apples Mavis dear..!
    Love Debs

  4. So Lil' about giving us your Crosata recipe...huh?...'Mavis

  5. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm......I'm off to peel and core a few grannies......yum yum and I will gobble the stewed apples with bulgarian yoghurt and honey ....yummy yum

    I still love Mavis xxxxxxxxxx - TDB

  6. Dear Mavis,
    I hope "Fruit 'n Veg" is paying you for all your advertising????
    Your photos make me want to go out and get some.....

  7. MMmmmm….my all time favourite childhood dessert would have to be stewed apple (with whole cloves of course) with baked custard topped with the heady aroma of freshly ground nutmeg. Still love that combo, as do my children…………….

    Sue (NZ)

  8. the greens are good but I did some pink ladies last night!
