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Thursday 13 October 2011

" CLORA's 'MAVIS! ...uh...uhhh... don't forget the Rice Pudding! "

 Clora’s” ‘Mavis…and,uh..uhhh…don’t  forget the rice pudding!

It all started with Clora nicknaming me“Mavis”….. and FYI, Clora isn't “ Clora”…and I’m not“Mavis” !

Clora-and-I work as colleagues in a smallish environment…each rely on the other for survival! ….She’s our advertising and graphics department ….

I need her to get those bloomin’ adverts into the weekend newspaper so that “my properties  - those that I am currently marketing,  get the utmost exposure…while she…if the likes of me were not to earn the bucks ( gosh!  Did I say that? a South African , I HATE  that terminology!)…, the “rands “/ the “moola” / the “gelt”! ) which in turn , helps toward her salary.

Clora works under sss-t-RRRRRRRRRRRRR-e-sssssssssss – always clawing against strict newspaper deadlines. 
I’m the Company Prima Donna’ ...or so I’m led to believe…I sometimes have the(occasional ) hissyfit .. and SHE-CALLS-ME- MAVIS” !

And ‘‘SHE’’ ? … ‘‘SHE’’  is a feisty almost forty-something filly, flaunting her newly- attached hair extensions (sometimes real hair…sometimes…not !), Mocha-skinned and beautifully foul-mouthed!  Hence, she just is  Clora ”!

What better?... 
QUOI  D'autre? (What else?)…. than to call my Blog “COOKINGWITHMAVIS” !

             Thanks Clora!

And so to recipes….

                      Rice pudding :

Oh what’s the matter with Mary-Jane? 
She hasn’t a headache………
She hasn’t a pain…oh…..
…WHAT’S  the matter with Mary-Jane?
It’s d-a-r-n ricepudding for dinner AGAIN !


I tin condensed milk
1 tin Ideal milk(“Evaporated”) milk (or alternative :  tin of coconut milk )
3 whole jumbo size eggs all whisked together
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1 ½ cups COOKED BASMATI / or JASMINE rice (you might prefer an extra ½ cup cooked rice)
…definitely NO cinnamon!..NO nutmeg!...this would detract from the pleasurable flavours already there……


In a bowl: - easy to use a hand whisk!

Whisk condensed milk and “Evapourated” milk
Add eggs one at a time, and beat till integrated
Add vanilla
Grease an ovenware dish and add cooked rice to dish
Pour egg / liquid into the dish, over cooked rice, and bake in a  bain marie (an oven pan filled with water  1/3 up the sides of the dish) @150 degrees C for 1 hr
...or do individual puds in greased, small ramekin dishes - 20 mins!

*NOTE….’cookingwithmavis’   likes the pudding slightly wobbly and softish in the middle, ….some  like it dry and very firm (...bake a little longer +- 15 mins extra)
…..and’some like it  HOT !’

My Bro’ likes it the next day - out the fridge,  chilled !                                                                     

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