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Thursday 25 August 2011

"Darling Koeksusters"...

COOKING WITH MAVIS   #3…      “Darling Koeksusters”

You’ll soon discover my love of cooking…There is ALWAYS  a groaning  fridge  in my kitchen!

Just 2 of us in our household, but godforbid we should go hungry!...or there’re less than 4 eggs in the tray…or no spare packet of filter coffee… or at least 4 bottles of milk in the freezer…..
And 2 spare blocks of butter; at least 3 spare rolls of Hulett’s foil… and one spare roll of Gladwrap…and……and what’s more, I just LOVE supermarket shopping…strolling aisle-by-aisle; stocking-up on all that we don’t need!’s called “retail thhhh-e-r-a-p-y” !

You’ll find me at BloodyPack’nPiyClaremont supermarket twice-or-thrice a week…keeping both Glen or Nicholas on their toes…
(Between you and me),  I know that the second I set foot into the store, the CCTV cameras whirl around, and follow me!   Alarm bells flood the managers’ office and the Management scatter……
They busy themselves in backrooms and storage places, switch-off their cell phones, make themselves unavailably invisible, and hide! THEY ESCAPE!

I AM the terror of supermarket consumerism!!! …but as I always say: “That’s a story for another time….

Collecting recipes is a weakness that I indulge in – tearing pages out of glossy magazines allows me to collate copious amounts of mouthwatering recipes which I confine to a few mega-thick brightly coloured “kitchen” files.    
My creativity overrides convention. I’ll cut some cardboard into a squiggle to form a ‘bespoke’ section divider…or even an A4 laminated photo of Mo’-and-Me (- me wearing those Xmas Reindeer felt horns!)..well, that is  a nice divider for the Hors d’oeuvres !

And if you think I don’t use those recipes..I do!...and here’s one that supersedes many , in popularity and in reaction from them that tastes it:

. BUTTERMILK  TART . stolen and changed a little from the “Koeksusters” of Riebeek Kasteel / Darling / or Somewherethere?

It’s almost like a baked cheesecake…yet sohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh much easier.  Tastes divine ,  bakes divine ,  slices divine..and the texture on the tongue………………………………….is divine!

It really is a simple,  easy, quick recipe…try it!


2 tablespoons butter
160g sugar(about ¾ cup)
3 jumbo eggs  (extra large ok )
1 tsp vanilla essence (Mavis just ‘goois’)
1 cup cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
3 cups milk (750ml)
2 cups buttermilk (= 1x 500ml carton)

Topping #1:

2 tubs sourcream  -stirred to loosen (Lancewood Sourcream is my best…)

Topping #2:

Frozen berries -  I  use a generous amount (1 whole punnet = about 350g) of supermarket-bought:     blueberries are good! ..not soft mushy berries!
1 ½ cups water - you might want to use 2 cups?
4 heaped teaspoons “Maizena (ordinary cornflour for those of you who don’t know)
¼ cup sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice (optional)
Plus a few tablespoons water to mix Maizena and sugar

******* Or…….a cheaper and easier option is to just substitute  berries, instead, with 2 cups orange juice , mix with rest of ingredients to make a thick sauce – easy in the microwave!


1)Preheat oven to 180*C
2) Grease an ovenproof dish (eg: Pyrex / or Corningware..they say 25cmx25cm) – should be     quite biggish.
3) Combine dry ingredients – ( flour, baking powder and salt ) in a bowl
4) In a mixingbowl, cream the butter and sugar
5) Add vanilla essence
6) Add the flour mixture, alternating with the eggs one at a time , then add the buttermilk and milk, and beat slowly till well mixed
7)Pour into a large ovenproof glass dish (Pyrex is good)
8)Bake at 180*C for +/- 40 mins

9)….then take out of oven (still a bit wobbly?)…gently spread 2 tubs of soft, stirred sourcream (LANCEWOOD sourcream works marvelously ) over the whole top of the tart, and return to the oven to continue to bake another 15 mins.
This sets the sourcream. …..Remove from oven!

Meanwhile, while all this palava is happening….prepare your berry / 2nd topping:

Option: Berries

1) Mix the Maizena and 2 spoons sugar, then add 3 – 4 tablespoons water to mix to runny smoothe paste.
2) In a smallish saucepan, heat the 2 cups water with the rest of the sugar then add the runny paste, stir, and when hot add the frozen berries, stir gently till it thickens, add lemon juice.
3) Leave to cool a little.
4) Spoon over the cooled tart, and when cold, put into the fridge to chill.
Option:  Orange juice

Note: I find the orange juice option easiest to make in a Microwave…..
In a ½ litre pyrex jug:

      1)  Mix Maizena with 2 spoons sugar
      2)  Add 3 to 4 tablespoon water ( Mavis never measures! ) to mix to an easy runny  paste
      3)  Add orange juice rest of sugar and cook on high for 2 mins…then take out and stir…then cook another 2mins, to thicken.
      4) Spoon over cooled tart and chill!

***** This tart can be prepared the day before!

ANOTHER OPTION:  …. You can serve it warm , no toppings…with delicious warm vanilla custard!...also MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm!


                                 Meet ' CHAMPAGNE GIRL' 

Thursday 18 August 2011

Running Away From Mavis!...

COOKING WITH MAVIS    #  ….a bonus thought.

            ‘ Running away from Mavis….’

Getting a blog together is no easy feat….It took weeks of deliberation, whether to commit to such an undertaking…of course who else, but to bounce my worries and thoughts off, but to those closest to me…and ‘fraid-to-say….I think they really want to run away from me!  I know ‘My M‘ would, if he could…….and   ‘      ‘ ComputerpherousAngie’  has no place to hide… and ‘BestFriendMo’ ?  ....awkwardly non-committal  !

Sometimes Cookingwithmavis is all-consuming…she engulfs my  thoughts  and suddenly, I’m swamped by a myriad of ideas, and words, and subjects!...
In the middle of the night, or in mid-conversation with anyone, I just HAVE TO scribble a thought-or-three….It  Really is,

Just today, I emailed Jo    for her husband Si’s birthday…sending warm wishes…
AND-WHAT-DO-YOU-KNOW!...message returned with the BESTEST retort EVER !!!!
And so Jo’     replies: “……I think regards should at least be served lukewarm… or piping hot !!
HOWZAT ! – to put a smile on one’s face!

No! –Jo’  DOESNT cook…not to save her life!   “Mrs Woolworths” saves the day….but when it comes to creativity, Jo’   can simply throw a couple of things together, and it is amazing! it a table-setting…or furnishings…even her great choice of art pieces…and especially the very stylish clothing she publicly admits she found at Bargain store Monsier Prix…’nog al ‘  in the GIRLS  department!    Everything looks good on her!..not shabby for a ‘Fifty-Something’!

( I covet that damn round stylish white-framed convex mirror she has…that she got           ON SALE ,…at a reduced, REDUCED price! …………THAT I CANT find one too! )

Behind the scenes…we’re really novices at bloominblogs and blogging!
We haven’t figured out yet how to allow YOU,  her reader, to post a bloody comment on the blogsite…let alone know how to alert you whenever Cookingwithmavis  rears her head!
Cookingwithmavis  has access, as doyenne of her own blog, to crawl into the workings of Google’s cyberspace to view the “Stats”…and gasp!  at how quickly the readership numbers multiply…a-and even to what countries she’s travelled!  Don’t stop! Keep-it-up!

We’ll persevere ( ‘Us-Behind-The-Scenes’  )…meanwhile there’s always : !

  Instructions how to join..then comment too!

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….and hopefully you will be alerted each time’Mavis  rears her head!

Now you are registered as ‘joined’ - to allow you to post a comment !

To post a comment:
1) Scroll to the bottom of the blog
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All comments are sent to my email address to accept …or  reject……


And so to the recipes:

A lifetime ago,  Cookingwithmavis was a very young , inexperienced new cook,- eager even then, and willing to absorb whatever epicurean delights came by…..
This recipe is thanks to a very genteel, dignified Egyptian lady, having immigrated to London; whose Anglicized name is Esther Hawkins….yes! Suzie’s mum!

First you bake the cake, then pour over the fragrant syrup…Mmmmmmmmmm!

                                                                                     Mercie!  Mdme Hawkins. 


300g semolina
1 cup cake flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
 ½ cup white sugar
250 butter
1 cup buttermilk (can substitute 1 cup milk)

Preheat oven to 150 degrees C

1)  By hand, mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl
2)  Gently melt butter (easiest in a Pyrex glass jug, in the microwave on “Defrost” / “Low” for a   minute –check, then perhaps a little more)
3)  Add the warm melted butter to the buttermilk, then stir this all into the semolina mixture
4) Grease and flour a rectangular medium oven baking pan ( I use a 25cm x 35cm pan )
5) Pour batter into pan, smooth with a spatula to even out.
6) Slivered / or whole blanched almonds – enough to sprinkle 

 Note:   when this is baked, you are going to cut it into squares approx 4cm x 4 cm in size, so you will visually need to estimate how many squares per row…sprinkle slivered blanched almonds (or place 1 whole blanched almond) per square - allowing space in-between neat rows , to be able to slice easily.

7) Bake @ 150 degrees C  till just GOLDEN BROWN…. about 35 - 45 minutes (depending on the size of your pan.

3   cups sugar
1 ½ cups water
2  tablespoons rosewater  (you might want more…(or if using essence oil , just a few drops)

1) Put water and sugar into a small pot. Do not stir.
2) Bring to the boil, and then simmer gently about 30 minutes to form a  thickish syrup.
4) Add the rosewater

Take the cake out of the oven when ready, and with a large, sharp knife, cut immediately into squares.
Pour the hot syrup over the cut cake. It will all be absorbed.
Leave to cool.

You can be adventurous and try to cut in to diamond-shaped squares…
Also, I love to use a few drops of  Orange Blossom essence - not easily available – in place of the Rosewater.


Saturday 13 August 2011

Confit of Goose ( “ Confit d’oie” – “Preserved Goose” )

As per the Larousse  Gastronomique :
Bleed the goose, pluck and singe it, and leave until quite cold before cutting. Slit open the back completely, clean out the bird, and remove the liver….”

Some of you might already realize that the notion of Cooking with Mavis is my alter ego…my fantasy of the 1950’s housewife…but, truly, I am not she….and perhaps one day you, my reader, might well discover her true identity.

All the emails that I write to friends Abroad, of day-to-day life, frustrations and joys, and other events too, invariably revert to a substantial description of food;  sometimes food eaten, but usually food prepared, for whatever occasion…that’s my life!..fixated by cooking, eating and feeding friends and partner (“My M).

Sohhhh?……whatever the topic, it will somehow, always revert to food!

Being an Estate Agent, every Saturday noon, brings an unwanted routine, comprising the erecting of ‘showhouse boards’ onto specific street poles, in order to give “The Public ” directions to my Sunday afternoon open-houses – hopefully for someone to buy one!

This is a strenuous task, having to jump in-and-out of my car, erecting sometimes as many as 18 boards around poles….depending on the number of showhouses that weekend. Fastening them as tight as can be with their cords of ‘bra’-elastic, and hoping that some brattish kid wont come along and turn them, pointing in the opposite direction….

Midwinter rainy weather is the pits too, as the homeless people or pedestrian vagrants, invariably choose to ‘acquire’ one of my boards, as a temporary cover from the rain.
And why?”, you ask,  “why Saturdays?, always from 12noon”...well, that’s because the Cape Town municipality by-law states such: …..that we will be heavily fined per showboard erected an endth of a second before 12noon on Saturdays!
Of course this breaks-up our weekend Saturday leisure time, having always to be around to do this irksome task….it prevents going on daytrips out of town…or …whatever!

And there I was, having already done my  showboards on Ayres Street in ‘Rosebank Village’, and had just arrived at my usual pole on the ‘feeder’ road alongside the busy, wide double boulevard, being Liesbeek Parkway .  

I had just jumped out of the car, reached into my trunk to haul out a showboard, when I noticed “Gourmet Retha ” moseying about on the patch of grass near the Alma Rd corner..well, eyesight not that keen, even I realized that she couldn’t be ‘touting-for-business’…so, on second glance, there I saw dear Retha  with a ½ loaf white bread tucked between bosom and arm, throwing fresh breadcrumbs near a distressed Egyptian (Mother)goose with eight of the tiniest new goslings in tow.

Gourmet Retha  is the most amazing cook…’tuisgebak…boerekos’(truly homely generous farmfood recipes at their best). She is the food behind her successful “ALMA CAFÉ” around that corner, in Rosebank Village…the Café that does jazzy music evenings (thanks to musician-husband Richard)..and she, serving-up a mouthwatering, too cheap, real “bord kos” (generous plate of food)…

So getting back to those geese………turns out that Gourmet Retha  is desperately trying to coax Mothergoose to turn around, come back, and waddle in the opposite direction, as Retha , from previous years of experience, realized that they were headed ACROSS  busy Liesbeek Parkway boulevard, towards the large canal, and wanted them to rather go to the part of the Liesbeek canal on THIS  side!, in order to swim under Liesbeek Blvd, to reach the OTHER side!......and for each step that Retha  cared to take, so Mothergoose ran 10 strides further away from her, 8 goslings in tow, squawking…and squeaking.

Even I could see that this was a tenuous situation…stressed Retha , stressed Mommagoose, 8 stressed goslings, and ‘moi’ !

So there we were ,Gourmet Retha  and  Cooking-with-Mavis’   chasing after unstoppable Egyptian geese along the grass verge of the feeder road in Rosebank!…….SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE! A BETTER DECISION HAD TO BE MADE!

I changed tactic…I gave her (Mommagoose) a wide berth, and came at her from the other direction..heading toward breathless Retha  (she still clutching and scattering uneaten fresh breadcrumbs)…but Mommagoose was having none of this!.....she made a bee-line for that bloomin’ boulevard!

Quick thinking needed….in the on-coming distance, we see a dozen-or-more vehicles stopped at the red traffic light, about to head in our direction….
Stop-the-trafficstop-the-traffic…yes, no choice, but to stop-the-traffic!!!

So, there we were, herding geese across busy Liesbeek Parkway – my arm outstretched, with hand-up: ‘traffic-police-style’, assertively stopping the traffic !

Of  course, as in every clutch, there have to be a couple of ‘stragglers’:

Dividing the busy boulevard in the middle, is a traffic island with what must’ve seemed to be insurmountably high,  ‘concrete boulders’ – ( really just a high step onto the narrow middle verge ), and 6 tenacious tiny goslings used all their might to get, over such…to run the hair-raising gauntlet of on-coming traffic from the OTHER order to cross the boulevard , to follow their Mommagoose to the canal…

Picture the scene:
….…Us, frantic, me with sturdy one arm constantly traffic-police-positioned’ up in the air…while Retha  was now herding onto the other side..and me chasing after the 2 weaklings that just couldn’t surmount the insurmountable concrete middle curb ..hell !.....they could run so darn fast in the middle concrete gutter!

And the ‘driving public’ showed their charitable spirit:…..

In the far lane a gianormous shiny Merc sped past (the hell with us and our geese!), whilst a gentle man in a ‘Bakkie’ slowly came past me, and stopped at an angle, -front tyre against the gully of the concrete island gutter, to block the path of those wayward weaklings, but one bloody gosling shot under the chassis..into the middle of the busy come-to-a-standstill boulevard…holding back perhaps 20 cars?...

I  ambushed his suicidal path, whilst 2 kids jumped out of a waiting car, and we closed in on both..Retha  grabbing one, and oh shit! …I had no choice, but to be brave, and dive for the other!...and before I knew it, there I was, clutching the runt-of-the-clutch, his head buried in my clasped palms , his feet flailing  in the air!

And what-do-you-know?...those many stationary cars behind Retha-and-Me ,  stood still, as we dodged on-coming ‘otherside‘ traffic, to get to the verge of that bloomin’ canal..each with a runty gosling in hand… 

They all watched as we bent down and lowered, as-well-we-could them, to flounder almost 2 meters down to the concrete slab, alongside the flowing waters of the Liesbeek River, only to survive the fall, and be reunited with Mommagoose !  - and as we rose to our feet, and began to walk back across the boulevard, applause came  from   those behind the wheel of that cream Mini Cooper GTI…. and only then did the traffic start to move-on!

And so……we have Saturday’s  Confit  d’oie ….preserved goose!

"The Other Side"

The "Middle Concrete Gutter"

Liesbeek Parkway

The canal

"An insurmountable boulder"

"Alma Rd"

"A two metre drop"

Liesbeek's Parents